Job Seeker Alert – Beware of employment scams and sharing sensitive information. Be careful, for example, of any purported “employer” who contacts you about a job offer for a position you did not apply for or who requests personal identifiable information early on. Click on the Protect Yourself link at the bottom of the page for more information on common scams, common warning signs, and how to protect yourself.
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Need assistance putting together a resume, practicing for an interview, or finding the best career match for you? Want to chat with local employers about job opportunities? View a schedule of job fairs, workshops, and training opportunities near you.
This Week
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
9:00am to 10:00am
Interview Skills Workshop
Everyone brings a different set of skills and experience to a job interview. Get tips on how to make sure you make a great first impression and stand out among the crowd.
Learn how to communicate your value and skills to an employer by developing a resume that gets results. Learn the steps to create a resume and about other resources available.
Need help creating an account on Vermont JobLink so you can search for a job? Curious about programs that provide training funded by the government? Have you ever considered applying to a Registered Apprenticeship program? Our professionals are ready to assist you.